It's really great to hear you and Vince back together again on 11 O'clock comics. Bullpen Bulletins is what got me into listening to podcasts! It is still one of my favorites. I especially liked it when you guys reminisced about old Marvel books from the 70's and 80's. I gotta say though, your Around Comics commentator was way off base about the Invaders/Avengers book that just came out. I thought it was a blast! I loved seeing how they reacted to the whole registration thing, and I particularly loved seeing them kick the ass of the Thunderbolts! I think it will actually be better than DC's 'Justice', which for all its lavish detail was kind of a dud. I know you liked it too, and are still a big Marvel guy, so don't be afraid to stand up for it, even if Vince B would rather read Uncle Scrooge than Secret Invasion.
Wow. How 'bout that. I just left my little tirade for the wrong guy! Anyway, wanted to thank you as well for being back on the air, as it were. Loved Bullpen Bulletins. Would love to hear more bits like the old Man-Thing record stories from the 70's. Never new quite what to expect from you, and that was part of the fun.
I love your podcast I found it around your 50th episode and have been following ever since. I have been on the forum a few times and even posted some art in the drawing board section. Anyway I wanted to turn you on to an amazing artist and musician named McBess He is French-Canadian [so Chris might dig him too but I doubt he curls ]. He has a cool new book out on Nobrow press "Big Mother" it looks like an oversized black and white orgy of awesome. I'm gonna order one as soon as I get paid. This is right up your alley so if you aren't already aware of him check him out: (BTW, the whole catalog looks pretty good)
keep up the good work -love you dudes!
Kevin Parks aka Qrowdad on the forum
Hey Vince,
Ok so I just got done reading the first issue of The Darkness…well technically the recent reboot of the Darkness and OMG do I love it. I can't believe this has been under my nose for so long and I never bothered picking it up. If you could help decide on where to go from here whether buying the Darkness Compendium Vol. 1 is a good buy or just continuing with the new reboot that made me fall in love with it. Thank you very much and all of you guys keep up the amazing work with the podcast!
It's really great to hear you and Vince back together again on 11 O'clock comics. Bullpen Bulletins is what got me into listening to podcasts! It is still one of my favorites. I especially liked it when you guys reminisced about old Marvel books from the 70's and 80's. I gotta say though, your Around Comics commentator was way off base about the Invaders/Avengers book that just came out. I thought it was a blast! I loved seeing how they reacted to the whole registration thing, and I particularly loved seeing them kick the ass of the Thunderbolts! I think it will actually be better than DC's 'Justice', which for all its lavish detail was kind of a dud. I know you liked it too, and are still a big Marvel guy, so don't be afraid to stand up for it, even if Vince B would rather read Uncle Scrooge than Secret Invasion.
Wow. How 'bout that. I just left my little tirade for the wrong guy! Anyway, wanted to thank you as well for being back on the air, as it were. Loved Bullpen Bulletins. Would love to hear more bits like the old Man-Thing record stories from the 70's. Never new quite what to expect from you, and that was part of the fun.
Heard the podcast, would love to do an interview if you are interested…
Let me know, and thanks for the kind words!
Andrew E. C. Gaska
Hey Vince,
I love your podcast I found it around your 50th episode and have been following ever since. I have been on the forum a few times and even posted some art in the drawing board section. Anyway I wanted to turn you on to an amazing artist and musician named McBess He is French-Canadian [so Chris might dig him too but I doubt he curls
]. He has a cool new book out on Nobrow press "Big Mother" it looks like an oversized black and white orgy of awesome. I'm gonna order one as soon as I get paid. This is right up your alley so if you aren't already aware of him check him out: (BTW, the whole catalog looks pretty good)
keep up the good work -love you dudes!
Kevin Parks aka Qrowdad on the forum
Hey Vince,
Ok so I just got done reading the first issue of The Darkness…well technically the recent reboot of the Darkness and OMG do I love it. I can't believe this has been under my nose for so long and I never bothered picking it up. If you could help decide on where to go from here whether buying the Darkness Compendium Vol. 1 is a good buy or just continuing with the new reboot that made me fall in love with it. Thank you very much and all of you guys keep up the amazing work with the podcast!