This is the first issue of Exiles I have ever read. Which is great because it’s the first issue of the new Exiles series, so it all works out. I’ll tell you this right up front: I recommend this book heartily.
It’s no secret that I’m a big Jeff Parker fan. With this issue he not only gets you up to speed on what this is all about, but you get introduced to the team in a way where no one gets shortchanged. Salva Espin first popped up on my radar with the Wolverine: First Class series and I think Salva’s linework complements Jeff’s words perfectly. Anthony Washington’s colors enhance the art and Simon Bowland’s letters are perfect in the sense that they aren’t distracting with balloons and caption boxes placed in unfortunate spots and of course are easy to read.
As stated, this issue is a great jumping on point. Having no knowledge of the previous volumes, but aware of their existence, at no time did I feel cheated or out of the loop with the title’s history. The team consists of Polaris (from Earth-8149), Beast (Earth-763), Earth-1119′s Panther (not once referenced as Black Panther), Forge (Earth-2814), Earth-8823′s Witch (sans the Scarlet label), and Blink. We’re introduced to each member (save for Blink) right as they are about to face certain death, plucked from their reality and facing Morph, who gives them a rundown of what the Exiles are designed to do. Have I mentioned how accessible this issue is?
What I found interesting is that we haven’t been old Panther’s real name yet. The character doesn’t ‘read’ like the T’Challa we’re used to in the 616 and Beast mentions that he doesn’t sound like the Black Panther from his earth. Everything else appears to be the same. Polaris and Witch are half-sisters, Forge is Forge (and married), Beast, while Hank McCoy, looks a little more beastly and seems to have a bit of a violent streak if his introduction is any indication. Blink, who I know from Age of Apocalypse and the other Exiles series, is the only one without an introduction, but we get brought up to speed fairly quickly.
And the last page? If I wasn’t coming back for the second issue based on the first twenty-one pages, the last page would have sealed the deal.
Seriously, this is a must have. I’m delighted to be along for this ride.
Exiles #1 “Deja Vu”
Writer: Jeff Parker
Art: Salva Espin
Colors: Anthony Washington
Letters: Simon Bowland
Cover: Bullock, Irwin, and Washington
Editor: Mark Paniccia
$3.99, 40 pgs