Re: New Releases | 5/18/11 | Bought & Thoughts
« Reply #25 on: 02:05 AM | Saturday, May 21, 2011 »
Light week, but enjoyed every one of my books, which were:
Drums #1-Like Sean M. said, really solid. I didn't find the art clunky, but I'm not going to argue the point, cause I can see why someone might say that
Batman and Robin #23-I'm not familiar with Judd Winick's actual work, just his name, so was prepared to drop the title if it did nothing for me, but I guess I'll keep sticking around, 'cause this was good fun. Felt pretty Punishery to me, but I guess that's why it was fun. Who doesn't want to see bad guys have bad things happen to them?
Uncanny X-Force #10-I missed Dean White on colours, but liked where the story went and the character they brought into it. Nice set-up for up coming story arc.
Science Dog #2- I buy my Kirkman stuff in trades and omnibus, but I would gladly have him stop work on those titles to get more Science Dog. I thought this had really nice emotional beats to it, and Cory Walker does pretty nice clean art.
Intrepid #1-A B&W indie comic, I just picked up from the shelf because I thought the art looked pretty solid. Kind of looks like someone finding their own voice still, as the Finch and Bisley influences seem to be apparent, but it was pretty good. The story seems to be about a time when superheroes have had to go underground, and the government agency that maybe isn't dealing with them the way they should be. Nothing necessarily original, but told well.
I was hoping to buy Last Immortal, but it didn't seem to ship here in Brisbane Australia, unless no store ordered it, but I went to 4 different ones, and no one seemed to know what I was talking about. Hope it comes in next week's shipment now, sounds like it's good, thanks to Sean M.
Also forgot to pick up Gates of Gotham, but I got them to stick in my box, so it'll be there waiting for me.