I think what everyone means is "After the end credits...interesting place to put it because it's where moviegoers have been trained by Marvel to wait for a little post-credits-clip and where we get one of those coda-style clips for Green Lantern, as well."
Seriously, it's a start.
I swear, it seems that sometimes comics fans can't wait to bitch and be snarky.
"Oh, the comic advertising is in the wrong place." There's advertising for the
first time. Quit bitching.
"Oh, the movie will suck." Yes, it's getting mediocre to bad reviews, but is tracking well with males 18–30...that's a potential audience for the comics...and here's the advertising we've all been begging for for the last decade.
Stop being so damn jaded and accept the fact that, even with a flawed movie, this is a decent effort on the part of Warners' marketing department.
(awaiting the kicks...)
Karma and quoted for truth.