Why is everyone hating on FF'nF so much?
Boring. Slow. Borderless panels. Lackluster art. A smack in the face to those that have been enjoying the Fantastic Four since Waid and Wieringo and Kesel (talking about me here). And a screeching halt to the fun that was the McDuffie and Pelletier and Magyar run that erased the JMS 'era' which also left a bad taste in my mouth after W, W, & K.
There is nothing going on that needs four issues to tell. In all the FF stories I've read, this is a low point. And that includes the DeFalco and Ryan issues.
But that's just me.
How have the sales numbers been on Avengers Classic?
Have been declining steadily since the first issue (data as of #9).
X-Factor is still freakin' great, though.
Writing-wise? Sure.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who wasn't digging this arc. I've dropped the book, now, though. It hasn't been telling any stories that feel like they need to be told. I don't feel like I'm coming away with a better appreciation or understanding of Wolverine. It seems more like, "hey, here's some extra stories if you want them"
And I've been enjoying it more than the main Wolverine series most months.
Yeah, maybe but the whole tearing the X-men apart thing is getting old.
When was the last time it was done? By Brubaker or Carey? Things get shaken up every so often. I'm enjoying the ride and I haven't been into the X-Universe for some time prior to Messiah CompleX.
Hercules has been a fun read, but like I said on one of the other threads, Eric Larson has a God Squad team led by Herakles in the pages of The Savage Dragon... I'm a little disappointed by Marvel on this one, and wondering If Larson is currently mad enough to kick a puppy through a fan on this one.
Maybe Pak and Van Lente are throwing a tribute.